Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Video: God doesn’t listen to Joe Biden

Or maybe God just figured that Joe Biden wasn’t terribly serious about this 2005 prayer, unearthed by Breitbart TV and Naked Emperor News today. He was not the only Democrat bemoaning “majoritarian, absolute power,” either, or complaining about unilateral rules changes at that time. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton join Biden as current administration officials who have suddenly seen the light of majoritarian power:

“I pray God when the Democrats take back control we don’t make the kind of naked power grab you are doing.”
Dianne Feinstein said on the Senate floor that “it begins with judicial nominations, next will be executive appointments, and then legislation.” Now, Democrats want to skip over the first two — which never happened — and leap right to legislation. Chuck Schumer called the 2005 suggestion to exempt judicial nominations from the filibuster as “almost a temper tantrum”; if that was the case in 2005, what does 2010 represent? A psychotic break from reality? Strauitjacket time?
It smells like desperation from a political party groaning under the heavy burden … of an eighteen-seat majority.

Monday, February 22, 2010

VIDEO: Glenn Beck on the Statue of Liberty - from CPAC Keynote Speech #Beck

Bill Bennett, Leave #Beck Alone and Can Keep Your Old and Dumb RINO Republican Party

Dear Bill,

Keep your TeaParty criticisms to yourself.  We have seen how well your "old decrepit" Republican guard politics have worked.  The TeaParty has advanced the conservative cause way more over the last year than your whole political career all together.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday Night Beck    [Bill Bennett]

There’s a lot to say about CPAC. This morning the major papers are highlighting Glenn Beck’s speech. I like Glenn a lot and I think he has something to teach us. But not what he offered last night.
Analogizing his own struggles with alcohol to the problems of our polity and in our politics, he said, “Hello, my name is the Republican party, and I have a problem!” “I’m addicted to spending and big government.” ”It is still morning in America.” ”It just happens to be kind of a head-pounding, hung-over, vomiting-for-four-hours kind of morning in America. And it’s shaping up to be kind of a nasty day. But it is still morning in America.” And, again, “I believe in redemption, but the first step to getting redemption is you’ve got to admit that you’ve got a problem. I have not heard people in the Republican party yet admit that they have a problem.”

Read the rest here...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Joe Stack's Suicide Note Here #joestack

Read link from the

Read link from the NY Post 

Austin IRS Bomber inspired by progressive ideology #joestack

Suicide Bomber of Austin IRS Building uses progressive/Marxist beliefs to justify 9/11 style attack

While Joe Stack, the suicide bomber who flew his plane into the Austin, TX IRS office, owed money to the IRS and had experienced hardships through IRS rule changes and bad tax advice, his underlying motivation was tied to progressive/marxist ideology.

What enabled Joe Stack to climb into his plane and fly into the IRS building was rooted in his Left Wing ideology, which be revealed through the now famous suicide note left at

Plane crash pilot left anti-IRS Web note #joestack

AUSTIN, Texas — A software engineer furious with the Internal Revenue Service plowed his small plane into an office building housing nearly 200 federal tax employees today, officials said, setting off a raging fire that sent workers fleeing as thick plumes of black smoke poured into the air.

A US law official identified the pilot as Joseph Stack — whose home was set on fire just before the crash — and said investigators were looking at an anti-government message on the Web linked to him.

The Web site outlines problems with the IRS and says violence “is the only answer.”

Read more:

Monday, February 15, 2010

Why America Sucks to Democrats

Democrats are convinced that Americans keep electing Republicans either because they are stupid, or because the DNC message just isn’t reaching the electorate. How could their message not reach the electorate when the lamestream press covers their message daily on every front page?

Their message is out there, we hear it, we get it - it isn’t that complicated. Even my second grader gets it. Today’s DNC campaign platform can be summed up in two words… “AMERICA SUCKS!”

In short, nothing about America is right or good in the eyes of Democrats and their campaign message is, nothing short of a complete DNC victory can change that. This is their message… Everything sucks and only Democrats can fix it… We get it… We hear you loud and clear – like a broken record actually.

The war on terror SUCKS! Bush lied, people died, terrorists did nothing to us, we caused it all, we can’t win, Islamic terrorists are “freedom fighters” and American soldiers are “Nazis”. We hear you! We suck!

Our economy SUCKS! Matter of fact, capitalism and our free market system SUCKS! Capitalism only rewards those who earn, leaving those who don’t behind and that SUCKS! We get it! Socialism is better – we hear you!


Friday, February 12, 2010

How Obama’s Tax Attack Will Hurt Everyone (Whether You’re a Rich Business Owner Or Not!)

Earn $75,000 a Year? Obama’s Coming After You Too!
Oh and by the way, if you make as much as $75,000 a year…Obama’s coming after you too through the Alternative Minimum Tax.
This will tax families earning between $75,000 and $500,000 a year more than they had in the past. So the AMT which was only originally designed to affect millionaires will now affect those earning $75,000 a year!
Any time the tax burden increases, job creation is much slower. Also, the expansion of corporate profits slows down.
This horrendous combo will cause stocks to tank once again!
Any time the government zaps this much of corporate earnings through extra taxation, it weighs upon earnings growth. That in turn will weigh upon stock prices have to be ratcheted down to match the lower earnings growth rates.
However, when stocks start to fall, they will not only fall to match those lower earnings levels but they will fall much further. Why? A stock market downtrend causes more fear and more panic and feeds off of itself. It causes stocks to overshoot to the downside

Millions in Stimulus Spending Being Doled Out for Questionable Jobs

Federal agencies are spending stimulus money at the rate of $196 million an hour. And they will do so every hour for the next eight months until a September 30, 2010, deadline.

Government Adopts Religion: U.S. proposes new climate service #gorehoax #obamafail

The Obama administration proposed a new climate service on Monday that would provide Americans with predictions on how global warming will affect everything from drought to sea levels.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Iran delivers stunning punch to West by attacking its own people

The far right, convinced that Iranian Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were planning to destroy the world today with its massive, unchecked nuclear arsenal, can rest easy thus far, as Iran seems only intent on showing the world it’s military might by making life Hell for its own people.
In his address, Mr. Ahmadinejad praised the achievements of the Iranian people and railed against the West.
Meantime, opposition Web sites say security forces fired tear gas to disperse opposition supporters gathered in central Tehran.
There are also reports that leading reformist politicians Mehdi Karroubi and former President Mohammad Khatami were attacked. …
An Iranian security official, Police Chief Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam, told Iranian media Wednesday that authorities are prepared to deal with anyone trying to disrupt state-run rallies. He said several people have already been detained for organizing protests
Many in the U.S. had been prepared for the worst after Khamenei said on Monday that Iran is set to deliver a “punch” that will stun world powers. Top conservative thinkers like Michael Leeden were telling Israel to be prepared for the worst.
“What might he have in mind? I don’t know; they say a lot of things just for effect, but threats/promises from the supreme leader have a certain standing. If I were an Israeli official, I’d recheck my information on Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.”
Luckily, for the 10,000th consecutive time, it now appears that Iran was sabre-rattling ahead of a celebration, and Iran won’t be attempting a national suicide mission into Israel. They’ll just be teaching their own people who’s boss.

It Happened. The moron left has claimed the DC snow is DUE to global warming #green #eco


Climate-Change Debate Is Heating Up in Deep Freeze

WASHINGTON — As millions of people along the East Coast hole up in their snowbound homes, the two sides in the climate-change debate are seizing on the mounting drifts to bolster their arguments.

Skeptics of global warming are using the record-setting snows to mock those who warn of dangerous human-driven climate change — this looks more like global cooling, they taunt.

Most climate scientists respond that the ferocious storms are consistent with forecasts that a heating planet will produce more frequent and more intense weather events.

But some independent climate experts say the blizzards in the Northeast no more prove that the planet is cooling than the lack of snow in Vancouver or the downpours in Southern California prove that it is warming.

As an illustration of their point of view, the family of Senator James M. Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, a leading climate skeptic in Congress, built a six-foot-tall igloo on Capitol Hill and put a cardboard sign on top that read “Al Gore’s New Home.”

The extreme weather, Mr. Inhofe said by e-mail, reinforced doubts about scientists’ conclusion that global warming was “unequivocal” and most likely caused by human activity.

Nonsense, responded Joseph Romm, a climate-change expert and former Energy Department official who writes about climate issues at the liberal Center for American Progress.

About that “Green Police” Super Bowl ad #green #eco #algorefail

About that “Green Police” Super Bowl ad

By Michelle Malkin  •  February 8, 2010 01:00 PM

Some of you think Audi’s “Green Police” ad that ran during the Super Bowl last night was brilliant satire. Others were creeped out. Count me in the creeped-out camp.
If you missed it, here it is:

Now, here is the context you need to judge which side Audi is on — from the company’s “Audi Green Police” website:

The Second American Revolution: Defund and Disobey the Fascists

The left's anti-American coup d'etat on America, made possible by the first radical Marxist in the White House, calls for distinctly American counter measures.
Dr. Jack Wheeler has "a strategy for any Republican wanting to get elected or re-elected to Congress in 2010, and for any Tea Partyer wanting to take individual action now against a government that ignores the Constitution --  Defund and Disobey."
Here's an excerpt of "The Double -D Strategy for rescuing America":
Let's talk about the Defund D first.  The Founders in their usual brilliance place the power of the purse in the House, whose members must face election every two years - for if they become profligate with this power the voters can throw them out within months (24 max) rather than wait years (6) like the Senate.

All Appropriation bills authorizing any branch of the federal government (legislative, judicial, executive) to spend any money for any program must be initiated in and passed by a majority of the House.  The Senate can only agree or disagree, and the same with the President.

The obverse of this appropriation authority is that if the House doesn't authorize money for something, then no money can be spent on that something by anyone in the federal government.

This was Senator Jim Inhofe's point when he announced (12/13) that "Obama has no power to make a deal in Copenhagen."  Unless the House appropriates the money for any deal he makes, there's no deal at all.


Currently, this is the best that can be done at the federal legislative level.  That is, the key goal of House & Senate Republicans is to block the passage of Dem legislation that will expand government and make our economy so much worse than it already is.  There is no way for the Pubs to pass legislation that will make things better - and this is true even if the Republicans gain majority in the House in 2010 due to Zero's veto power.

There is another way.  One key solution to solving our problems, economic and social, is to get the federal government out of the way.  To the extent that this requires positive legislative remedies - such as eliminating capital gains taxes, the depreciation schedule for capital expenses, and Sarbox - these will have to wait until we get a pro-capitalist president instead of a pro-socialist in 2012.

This means we must focus on negative legislative remedies that the Pubs can effect with a House majority right after 2010 and not wait until 2012.  They can simply refuse to fund Zero's programs.  The Zero Administration is adding some 10,000 new federal employees to government payrolls every month?  Eliminate the funding to pay them, requiring that their jobs be terminated.

ObamaCare is passed by the House & Senate and is made law, providing for a government seizure of one-sixth of the economy?  Refuse to appropriate the money to fund the administrative apparatus required.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) wants to conduct a carbon jihad and seize control over the economy by regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant?  Gut the EPA's budget and thus its ability to do so.

NASA and other government agencies continue to conduct climate fraud?  Zero out all funding for global warming research.

Thus, in order to gain the support of TeaPartyers and plain normal voters for their candidacy, Republicans wishing to get elected or re-elected to the House should be required to sign The Defund Pledge:

"Should I be elected, I solemnly pledge to my constituents that I will consistently vote to defund, or vote against appropriating any money for, any federal program or activity not specifically authorized by an enumerated power in the United States Constitution.  For any federal program or activity I do vote to fund, I will provide the specific enumerated power constitutionally permitting it."

It's the only "purity test" conservatives need.

Just as the "Contract with America" enabled Republicans to gain a House majority in 1994, so the Defund Pledge will ensure they do so in 2010.  The voting public is increasingly fed up with the Dems.  But they are still wary of the Pubs who refused to shut off the spending spigots during the Bush years. 

The Defund Pledge can reassure voters that the GOP will in fact dismantle Democrat fascism by committing to a concrete and simple way to do so:  defund the Dem programs and on a Constitutional basis.

It provides the starkest contrast to the insufferably outlaw arrogance of Dems, epitomized by Nancy Pelosi, who when asked where in the Constitution was it allowed for the federal government to force people to buy something (e.g., health insurance), angrily responded, "Are you kidding me?  Are you kidding me?"

And it gives the TeaPartyers the single uniting electoral message they are searching for.  Right now, the TeaParty movement is inchoate, more emotion than focus.  As this article points out, "the biggest challenge facing the movement is how to organize hundreds of local groups, and dozens of Tea Party leaders nationwide with divergent interests, into a force that can influence elections."

The Defund Pledge solves the challenge.

And yet... the 2010 elections are next November and the new Congress, presumably with a Republican majority, won't take office until the end of January 2011.  The amount of damage Zero and the Dems can do until then is monumental - on top of the damage they have already done this year.  How can that be prevented and undone?  What can be done now?

The answer is the second D:  Disobey.  Disobey the Ghandi Way.  Peaceful civil disobedience.  No violence.  Just the refusal to obey fascist and unconstitutional laws.

Feds push for tracking cell phones

Two years ago, when the FBI was stymied by a band of armed robbers known as the "Scarecrow Bandits" that had robbed more than 20 Texas banks, it came up with a novel method of locating the thieves.
FBI agents obtained logs from mobile phone companies corresponding to what their cellular towers had recorded at the time of a dozen different bank robberies in the Dallas area. The voluminous records showed that two phones had made calls around the time of all 12 heists, and that those phones belonged to men named Tony Hewitt and Corey Duffey. A jury eventually convicted the duo of multiple bank robbery and weapons charges.
Even though police are tapping into the locations of mobile phones thousands of times a year, the legal ground rules remain unclear, and federal privacy laws written a generation ago are ambiguous at best. On Friday, the first federal appeals court to consider the topic will hear oral arguments (PDF) in a case that could establish new standards for locating wireless devices.
In that case, the Obama administration has argued that warrantless tracking is permitted because Americans enjoy no "reasonable expectation of privacy" in their--or at least their cell phones'--whereabouts. U.S. Department of Justice lawyers say that "a customer's Fourth Amendment rights are not violated when the phone company reveals to the government its own records" that show where a mobile device placed and received calls.
Those claims have alarmed the ACLU and other civil liberties groups, which have opposed the Justice Department's request and plan to tell the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia that Americans' privacy deserves more protection and judicial oversight than what the administration has proposed.
"This is a critical question for privacy in the 21st century," says Kevin Bankston, an attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation who will be arguing on Friday. "If the courts do side with the government, that means that everywhere we go, in the real world and online, will be an open book to the government unprotected by the Fourth Amendment."

Friday, February 5, 2010


by Tony Blankley – Columnist, author
Posted: January 27, 2010 12:03 PM
Repeal the 17th Amendment
As I was preparing to write a column on the ludicrous maligning of the Tea Party movement by liberals, Democrats and the mainstream media (which I hope to write next week, instead), I started thinking about one of the key objectives of the Tea Party people — the strict enforcement of the 10th Amendment (”The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”).
As an early 1960s vintage member of the then-new conservative movement, I remember us focusing on the 10th amendment during the 1964 Goldwater campaign. It has been a staple of conservative thought, and the continued dormancy of 10th amendment enforcement has been one of the failures of our now half-century-old movement.
But just as the Tea Party movement in so many ways seems to represent the 2.0 version of our movement, so I again thought about the 10th amendment anew. After about 10 seconds’ thought, it struck me that the best way to revive the 10th Amendment is to repeal the 17th Amendment…

Read the rest here

Thursday, February 4, 2010

An Inside Look at #ofa Obama’s Organizing for America Part I

Obama's "permanent campaign" Organizing for America has managed to skirt campaign finance laws while continually providing the unprecedented "opportunity to help the president." Countless emails fill boxes across America with the sender name President Barack Obama.

Organizing for America has kept a high profile and played a key role in the healthcare debate. Obama's managed to turn his extraordinary campaign model into a post-election campaign/organizing website where OFA honed their method of using the internet to reach progressives to push through his increasingly unpopular agenda.

During Barack Obama's campaign he used a similar tool and website called "Obama for America." Utilizing the skills he learned at ACORN as a community organizer, Obama was able to acquire the "highest office in the land". In an election night quote from November of 2008, Obama addresses a crowd who voted for "Hope" and "Change."

Video: Dems cheer after raising Americans' debt limit to $14,294,000,000,000

In Texas, 31% Say State Has Right to Secede From U.S., But 75% Opt To Stay

Thirty-one percent (31%) of Texas voters say that their state has the right to secede from the United States and form an independent country.

 However, the latest Rasmussen Reports poll in the state finds that if the matter was put to a vote, it wouldn’t even be close. Three-fourths (75%) of Lone Star State voters would opt to remain in the United States. Only 18% would vote to secede, and seven percent (7%) are not sure what they’d choose.
Texas Governor Rick Perry, in response to a reporter’s question about secession at a protest “tea party,” said Wednesday, “We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that? But Texas is a very unique place, and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.” The comment was widely reported in the media.
Read entire article

Nebraska legislators seek to assert state sovereignty

At least three Nebraska lawmakers want to send a message to the federal government:
Butt out of state business.
Next year they will see if a majority of their colleagues agrees.
The senators are working on resolutions asserting Nebraska’s sovereignty under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution.
Nebraska wouldn’t try to secede from the union under their proposals but would go on record objecting to federal laws that they say go beyond constitutional authority.
“My goal here is to shine light on the fact that the federal government is overstepping its bounds,” said State Sen. Tony Fulton of Lincoln. “We would be making a statement on behalf of Nebraska.”
Read entire article

The True State of the Union: We Have No Rights Whatsoever

Campaign for Liberty
February 4, 2010
featured stories   The True State of the Union: We Have No Rights Whatsoever

Jackson and Lee

Obama delivers the State of the Union.

It has been almost a week since President Obama gave his first State of the Union address, and it has been analyzed from the left, right, center, front, and back. Of course, the speech is really about the performance of the federal government, particularly its wonderful accomplishments under the leadership of the sitting president. This is not peculiar to the Obama presidency. As far back as Jefferson, presidents have used the Constitutionally-mandated stump speech to do a little self-promotion, although what they promote has certainly changed quite dramatically.
However, if the speech is supposed to reflect the accomplishments of the federal government, then we should expect that it will contain specifics about how that government has fulfilled its purpose, which is, as we all know, to secure our rights. At least that’s what our founding document tells us. Therefore, if a president is going to do a little bragging about what a great job he has done, it would be logical to assume that we would hear particulars about the way in which he has secured our rights. Logic, however, has little to do with the machinations of leviathan.
In fairness, President Obama did begin his speech with a few remarks about the actual state of our country – a state of economic devastation and unending war. The fact that both of these afflictions have been caused wholly by our federal government is something that seems to have gone right by him, although he is not unique in that respect, either. Having reminded us about how bad things are, he dutifully lays as much blame as possible on the president that preceded him (another time-honored tradition when succeeding a president of the opposing party). He then moves right into trumpeting his accomplishments.
Read entire article

Mark Dice on TV again: Boycott the Super Bowl and read a book instead

Only days after making news on a Florida TV station, Mark Dice makes broadcast TV a second time in Los Angeles in a bid to convince people– some people at least– to boycott the SuperBowl and focus instead our excitement, anger and energy on the political looting of our country. Instead of a competition with no real impact on our lives, people should educate themselves on the things that really matter.

Mark Dice calls the SuperBowl, and TV in general, the opiate of the masses. That is perhaps too much to swallow the anchors.

Dice stirs up the pro-sports anchors with his iconoclastic suggestion to ignore the annual installment of the world’s most televised competition, and manages to plug Alex Jones’ Fall of the Republic and The Obama Deception to the masses as well.

Obama Blasted for Revealing Christmas Bomber Details

The White House strongly rejected assertions by Sen. Kit Bond on Thursday that administration officials defied an FBI request for secrecy when it held a briefing with reporters Tuesday about Christmas bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's cooperation with authorities.

In a letter to President Obama, Bond, R-Mo., scolded the White House for revealing the details of the interrogations, saying the administration is undermining national security by providing details the FBI specifically asked not be revealed.

Intel Boss Blair: Government Plans to Kill Citizens

Patsies take heed. The U.S. government will kill you. That’s what the Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair told a House intelligence committee yesterday. The Department of Defense will “follow a set of defined policy and legal procedures that are very carefully observed” in the use of lethal force against U.S. citizens who make the mistake of joining organizations created by the CIA and the Mossad.

The CIA created al-Qaeda from scratch in Afghanistan. Hamas was created by Mossad in order to undermine the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Both countries have long and sordid histories of creating terrorist organizations for political purposes.

CIA Director Leon Panetta, appearing before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said the groups threatening the homeland include al-Qaeda and Hamas.

“As the United States steps up its campaign against suspected terrorists overseas, it has become more apparent that some extremists may be U.S. citizens,” reports the CIA’s favorite newspaper, The Washington Post.


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