The Federal Bureau of Investigation, they have a program called the human source program, and I’m sure you’ve very aware of the informant program. And these are men and women, some of them have been in trouble and are trying to avoid charges but the vast majority are simply men and women like you and me who have discovered something or realized something bad, they brought information to the FBI and then in order to serve their country they decide to work undercover with the FBI on that matter and when they do so and their name becomes public, defense attorneys and the left have a tendency to completely try to destroy their character before they testify as to what they know and the information they hold.
And this is something that has happened throughout time and it’s something that’s happening right now and when that occurs those informants, for lack of a better term, usually end up changing their name, they usually end up very depressed or sad and they question what they’ve done because they’re attacked so heavily by the New York Times and by the other mainstream media establishment and that’s what I went through. I went through that.
Immediately every good thing I’d ever done in my life was taken away in the media, they tried to. I was a womanizer. I was a violent, gun-toting, womanizing FBI evil G-man who was trying to oppress the freedoms of others and…agent provocateur…I was accused of, still am being accused of being –this is the strangest thing— a joint Mossad-CIA-FBI hit man or operative having been trained at Quantico so I mean I’ve had these really bizarre attacks but that’s what they do.If you’d like to listen to the complete interview… [MP3 file for you to extract is at or you can get it from ]
They show up at places I go. They try to poster and threaten businesses, cafes that I go to for serving me and they do these kinds of things and initially it put me in a really bad funk. It was horrible, it was absolutely horrible to have somebody, to have the entire peace movement of the United States attacking me with the help of the mainstream media and ultimately threatening me.
So it was horrible, the threats were horrible, a lot of it was horrible, but thankfully I received a phone call from a man who had heard about me named Andrew Breitbart who I think is a wonderful, patriotic American doing a good job –he has a number of websites— and he called me and he really encouraged me to say my story and to speak out so that others can be helped and right at that time I received an email, because I have a public email account, and I received an email from a former informant who had changed his name, moved to another city, and he said, Mr. Darby I just want to thank you because hearing about you and the way that you’re handling this and the pride you’re showing and what you’ve done has really encouraged me to move back to my city and just to stand up to it, stand up for what I’ve done. And that meant a lot to me and so that’s one of the things that I really try to do now is advocate for other human sources and other people who’ve testified and tried to keep our country safe.
I really try to advocate for them and provide them a resource to say, hey, no matter what they do, don’t put your head down, don’t be afraid of these people. Just make sure you stay fit and strong, eat a lot of meat, have protein and muscle mass and make sure you can defend yourself. But definitely don’t put your head down and feel ashamed that you served your country regardless of what the mainstream media and what Hollywood and what defense attorneys and the ACLU says about you.
Darby in “Radical Awakening: From America Hater to Hero.” The article appears in the April 2010 issue of Townhall magazine and was posted here at BigGovernment with Townhall’s kind permission.
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