One of the mainstream Progressive organizations that has pledged its support to this anti-Israel movement is the Progressive Democrats of America, a group organized by Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Lynn Woolsey, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. John Conyers, Rep. Donna Edwards, Tom Hayden (founder of SDS), and Medea Benjamin and Jodie Evans of Global Exchange/CodePink.
The Progressive Democrats of America are but one in a slew of mainstream American Progressive groups taking part in these actions against Israel on behalf of Hamas.
Another Progressive organization whose board members are helping Hamas with this program of actions is the Movement for a Democratic Society, or (MDS). Their members include a who’s who of 1960s domestic radicalism.
The full list of the November 2006 MDS board members is available here, but some names jump right off the page:
Bernardine Dohrn – Domestic Terrorist, Northwestern University Professor.
Rashid Khalidi – Very close friend of President Obama, (details at the link). Sits on the Advisory Board of the US Campaign To End The Israeli Occupation.
Carl Davidson – Former SDS. Co-organized the anti-war protest where Barack Obama came out against the Bush Administration.
Tom Hayden – Former leader of SDS, member of Progressive Democrats of America.
Alan Haber – First President of SDS
Below is a diagram of major Progressive groups responsible for the Free Gaza marches and flotillas (Click to view full size image):
These groups have attracted a great deal of public support from some very interesting people and organizations.
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